Don Bosco Technical Institute

Rosemead, CA

Don Bosco Technical Institute

High School • Football
Rosemead, CA
JoinedNov 2015
Roster 8
Alumni 4
Christian Reveles
0 Total Connections

Alex Madrigal
10 Total Connections

Adam Uballez
45 Total Connections

4 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Barron Uballez, Daniel
2017 • HB, OLB, ILB
Don Bosco Technical Institute
Castellanos, Rey
2017 • WR, FB, HB
Don Bosco Technical Institute
Montellano Jr, Martin
2016 • TB, OLB, SS, FS, ATH
Don Bosco Technical Institute
Romero, Arthur
2017 • SR, CB, ATH
Don Bosco Technical Institute
University of La Verne
Signed Commitment